Friday, January 4, 2008

Friday PM

Back in the weights room for the second workout of the day
I started with the Olympic exercise the snatch, 5 sets of 3 working on being as explosive as possible using the whole body.
Then on to shoulders and trapezius, the trapezius muscle is very important to develop as it helps alot in absorbing a punch, only have to look at the necks on Holyfield and Tyson to see that.
I did 4 sets of shoulder press super setted (back to back with no rest) with upright row, then 4 sets of lat raises super setted with bar shrugs. I finished with some biceps triceps and calves, my endurance in the weights room is improving, so every session i will increase the volume and intensity.
As soon as i finish a workout, i have my post workout meal, which is extremely important in recovery , I usually have a protein shake for fast absorbing protein, and raisins and bananas for carbohydrates.
Tomorrow will be a rest day, then sunday back into training.

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