Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Wednesday AM

Strength and conditioning with Cam this morning, I found this session hard work but it had alot of variety so i didnt get too bored.

We did 4x3 minute rounds, 1 minute rest, just like the fight, warm up was skiping slow 1 minute,double skips 1 minute,slow skipping 1 minute.
then we moved into the real work,
1st round on the rower, 20 seconds sprint 10 seconds slow for 3 minutes.
Round 2 hill sprints with cam towing behind me, 20s sprint 10 slow again.
Round 3 was 10 fast punches followed by an explosive push up and jump, then punching again.
Round 4 ws towing a sled with 40kg on it, 20 seconds sprints, 10 seconds rest.

we had a 5 minute rest then completed the whole thing over again minus the skiping warm up.
I will be eating extra today to help recover for the weights workout tonight.

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