Monday, January 7, 2008

Monday pm

Ordered my new trunks today, changing my colours for this fight, no reason, just for something new, will be chocolate brown and cream, and tried out my new boots tonight, felt much better, my other boots were getting very old and worn.

Tonight I was in the boxing gym, sparred six rounds with top middleweight Daniel Dawson, Daniel has much faster hands than me and I always improve when i spar with him, tonight we went at a medium pace both working on certain tactics for our next fights.

After sparring I did 4 rounds on the heavy bag practising explosive combinations that I will use in the fight, followed by a ew light rounds on the pads with Ron to practice more tactics.

At the end of the session Daniel and I did our sit ups slamming the medicine bal into each others stomachs, I hate this exercise but I know it helps me prepare for the punishment I will receive in the fight. Pics will be up tomorrow of the session

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