Sunday, January 13, 2008


Today I was back in the weights room, I usually do the session during the day but I was not feeling up to it so I waited till night time when my energy levels are always peaking.

Started with power cleans, then went onto bench press and chin ups, incline dumbell press and lat pulldown, dips and seated row, I try to change the grip and angle on most exercises to hit the muscle from different angles . It was great to once again improve on everything, my power cleans and bench press especially, every session I am improving which is great.

I also tried supramaximal holds today on bench press, I was stronger, so something worked, these are when you do a small range of motion and hold a weight for 5 to 10 seconds, the weight must be more than your one rep max, they prepare the body for a very heavy load, then you drop the weight for your first set after a minute rest and things should improve from the last time you did them. For more info look them up on t-nation, Chad Waterbury did an article on them recently.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Enjoying the blog mate, keep up the hard work!